1 min read

15 Leadership Paradoxes To Overcome

To succeed and deliver promised results, what sort of multidimensional leaders do we need to be? What do we need to focus on in the business? – and how do we need to approach that?

With F Scott Fitzgerald’s quote in mind (“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.”), consider a series of leadership paradoxes - opposing leadership behaviours that we know are necessary at different points in time for us to succeed as leaders in our complex world.

The 15 Paradoxes:

  1. Being an Innovator AND an Imitator
  2. Being a Visionary AND Implementer
  3. Being Tough AND Gentle - “a gentleman”, “a gentlewoman”
  4. Being Passionate AND Dispassionate
  5. Thinking Fast AND Slow
  6. Being Action-Orientated AND Reflective
  7. Being Creative AND Analytical
  8. Focusing on Results AND People
  9. Being Structured AND Spontaneous
  10. Being Kind AND Demanding
  11. Thinking in Big-pictures AND Detail
  12. Being Decisive AND Consultative
  13. Being a Coach AND Directive
  14. Being a ‘Strong-man’ AND Inclusive
  15. Being Ambitious AND Realistic

Instead of “either-or”, each paradox contains a set of “yes, and” behaviours. Both behaviours within each paradoxical pair add business value – unless exaggerated. 

So let’s explore these 15 paradoxical behaviours over the next few months, one at a time, asking ourselves as we do so: “How can I do both, to maximise the value I add to the business this year?”

Cora Lynn Heimer Rathbone

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