2 min read

How To Achieve a High Performance Sales Culture

The 8 Key Factors of Sales Culture

Clear focus

Ensure that your products and services are clearly focused on resolving your customers’ needs, and that your value to your customers is distinctive in the market you serve.

Effective Planning and Processes

A clear plan with agile processes that all have bought into is key to success.  This includes territory and activity planning as well as account development and key account management.

Defined Prospects and Systems

Be clear about your target market, what an ideal prospect looks like and how you can track them systematically. This ensures you can focus on those most likely to buy and generate the best return.

Ongoing evolution

Markets evolve and competitive landscapes change. Strategies that work today may not work tomorrow. Be agile enough to lead, adjust and tack with the changes in the business context.

Resilient team

Build a resilient team by recruiting against a clear profile. This attracts diverse people – reflecting diverse prospects - and allows them to be their best. Hire for attitude as well as for technical skills

Strong motivation

Individual team members need to believe in themselves and their products/services and be energised to drive and achieve their own and the team’s targets. Nurture this motivation.

Consistent Support

Sales managers need to support and develop their people as coaches and mentors, not just pursue their own personal sales activities. Set regular time aside to coach your salespeople.

Shared values

Knowing what the team stands for and what is important forms the foundations of collaborative activity and behaviour. A sales team that works together is also more likely to support individual salespeople. 

These drivers have been adapted from the best practice across many sectors. If you could use some help with building a sales culture in your business, click here and let’s talk.

Cora Lynn Heimer Rathbone

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